Faces of Victory

Andrey Andreevich KANIBOLOTSKY

2021-11-23 20:00
In July 1943, at the age of less than 18, Andrey Andreevich Kanibolotsky was sent to the front. After completing the courses for code operators, he was sent to the Kherson Oblast to the 4th Ukrainian Front. Andrey Andreevich went through all of Crimea – from Perekop to Sevastopol.
He fought in the 226th Separate Reconnaissance Troop of the 37th Perekop Rifle Red Banner Division.

The most difficult time, according to Andrey Andreevich, was the 10 days after the start of the Crimean offensive operation – mountainous terrain replaced the plain and the lay did not allow the full use of ground equipment.

With the assault group, Andrey Andreevich "smoked out" the Germans out of the tunnels and, thanks to his radio station, was always in touch with the command.

After the war, Andrey Andreevich came to Crimea several times to visit the places of battles, to bow to the graves of comrades who remained forever on Crimean land.

two Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st class, Order of Glory of the 3rd class, medals "For Battle Merit", "For the Victory over Germany" and others