Лица Победы. Севастополь
Faces of Victory. Sevastopol
About the "Faces of Victory. Sevastopol"
The "Faces of Victory. Sevastopol" project is the result of efforts to preserve the history of the defense and liberation of the city of Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War. The project is a compilation of the stories of the tour of duty and heroic deed of veterans who took part in the battles for Sevastopol during its defense in 1941—1942 and its long-awaited liberation in 1944.

The site contains photos, descriptions of biographies, and personal heroic acts of the defenders and liberators of Sevastopol.

We thank every person and all organizations that helped create the "Faces of Victory. Sevastopol" project.

We are proud of the heroes! We will cherish their history!
Project history
The first edition of the book "Faces of Victory. Sevastopol" consisted of 39 stories of heroes who fought for the Hero City. With the funds received as part of the Sevastopol City Youth Projects Contest in 2018, conducted by the Sevastopol City Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, we published 50 copies of the book, which were given to Sevastopol veterans, and also sent to heroes living in other regions of Russia.

Video about the first edition of the book:
In 2020, an updated and revised edition of the book was published using the funds received within the Internal Grant Competition for the implementation of youth projects of students of the Sevastopol State University. More than a hundred books were sent to veterans and all schools of the city of Sevastopol.

Video about the second edition of the book:
In 2021, in order to popularize the history of the defense and liberation of Sevastopol, not only among Russian citizens but also abroad, we launched the website "Faces of Victory. Sevastopol" in Russian and English.

Video about the site:
The project team continues to collect the stories of the heroes of Sevastopol
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